Well we have started off well here. I have already started sending you to the free tracks for some great aussie talent. But to be honest you had probably already heard of Cut Copy. So now its time for some music you may not have heard of.... but its still all free baby.
Fear of Tigers.... first of all awesome name. Secondly album is a blend of beauty throwing in synth, disco and a good old vocal or two to keep you guessing.
Im a huge fan of the first track 'I can make the pain disappear'... yes you can. Its one of the only tracks that restricts mefrom taking a gun to a crowded office... but more on that later.
Play whole album here
Cossus Snufsigalonica by Solar - Fear of Tigers
Head to their facebook to get the download
They are also lining up a huge amount of great remixes for
The Valerie Crew
All The Lovers (Fear Of Tigers Remix) by cobraestilo5
New swedish pop star Rosanna
Rosanna - Waterfall (Fear Of Tigers Remix) by DISCODUST
and one for the ladies. Ben used to be a Dolphin Trainer....aaaaahhhhhh
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